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“As a CEO at an INGO, I know we need to adapt or die” – Read Paul Ronald’s January Op-Ed in Devex

Save the Children's response in a “post-ODA” world is a shift to new funding models and investments in scalable solutions.

As SCGV’s CEO, Paul Ronalds, writes in his January 2025 op-ed for Devex, international NGOs (INGOs), who have historically maintained stability despite significant geopolitical and economic changes, are now facing mounting challenges due to shifts in global funding models. Governments are moving away from traditional grants towards impact-driven investments and development finance institutions, squeezing INGO budgets and forcing major cutbacks.

While many INGOs have been slow to adapt, prioritising compliance over innovation, initiatives like the launch of Save the Children Global Ventures (SCGV) demonstrate how the development community can harness new funding models and invest in scalable solutions. To remain relevant, INGOs must embrace such approaches, including impact investing and blended finance, or risk becoming obsolete in the evolving aid landscape.

Read the full op-ed here.