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What we do

We’re accelerating change for children through innovative financing and scaling new technologies that offer hope for the future we share.

We invest in strategies and technologies that make life better and safer for children


Our Mission

For more than 100 years, Save the Children has been helping create better futures for children. Today, Save the Children Global Ventures exists to bring unique capabilities and relationships to the innovative finance and technology sectors to scale our impact.


The challenge

There are over 1 billion children living in poverty around the world. The funding gap between what is needed to solve the universal challenges they face — ranging from climate, water and food crises to conflict, violence and inequality – is $4.2 trillion. Traditional grant-based funding approaches are insufficient to scale the innovation required to create substantive change.


Our approach

We put results for children first. The impact investment funds we manage and advise offer a unique "child-lens" approach to investment sourcing and management. We also design and structure innovative finance opportunities that will have exceptional social or climate impact for children.

What we do
Impact Investment
We seek to provide explicit value through an intensive child-lens investing approach, diverse sources of philanthropic capital and our organisation's global resources.
Innovative Finance
Our platform offers a base of global philanthropic and commercial partners who are changing how development finance is deployed; we believe we can harness our capital and partnerships to amplify impact at scale for children.
Climate Finance
Children bear the greatest burden from climate change, especially those living in the most vulnerable regions in the world. We are testing innovative approaches to help communities and families respond to climate change and are building an investment strategy around Save the Children's work in nature-based solutions.
Our impact

We’ve achieved great things

We have helped scale transformational education, health and child protection initiatives. And we are just getting started.
In Numbers
Children reached
Schools using our products and services
Medical diagnoses in children